About us
In Natuaventura Ocio y Tiempo Libre we are dedicated to creating the most engaging activities for groups of children and school groups. We strongly believe that leisure activities and sports play a main role in their integral development and we work hard to acheive our goals.
Natuaventura started in 2003 and we are very proud of having worked since the beginning for the professionalization of the leisure&free time activities field in Spain. So far, more than 45.000 families and 200 schools have tursted us and every year more than 5.000 minors take part in activities organised by Natuaventura.
We are fully immersed in the field of leisure&free time activities. We are leaders in this sector and a reference in activities such as summer camps, school trips, language immersion trips, multiadventure activities, day trips for schools…
Experience and challenges
Natuaventura is one of the most important companies in the field of Leisure and Free time activities that work in Spain. We have kept growing since the beginning, always keeping in mind our values and principles.
Nowadays we have 12 summer camps, where every year more than 2000 children from 6 to 17 y.o. have unforgettable experiences. We are constantly adapting to new times and we have already 3 English immersion summer camps and a Technological summer camp, always bearing our pillars in mind.
School trips are one of our main services: we have an expert team in the organisation and development of this kind of trips. Lots of schools and high schools trust us every year to carry out their school trips, so that their students have a superb experience. We are pround of seing that there are more and more schools that keep working with us year after year, showing us their gratitude and satisfaction.
We work in different fields of this sector, so we also offer trips abroad, ski trips, day trips and any other services that schools or families may require.
How we work
We are aware that we are constantly learning, together with the children we work with. We adapt to new times and to each client’s needs, so that the experience is always unique and unbeatable.
Trust. Client’s satisfaction goes further than the provided service. The providers, schools, town halls and families that have worked with us know that we are truly professional. We commit to our goals and we establish a link that goes beyond the commercial relation. We never forget that we work with the most valuable gem of the families: their children.
Quality. Through professional work teams, that are very involved and constantly developing themselves, we aim excellence in each of the activities that we organise. We offer complete and integral experiences and he personal treat to each of our clients and children is our added value .
Work team. We have a workforce of over 200 certified leisure activities counsellors an coordinators. We are firmly convinced that they are one of our pillars and we want them to be concious of this. We are aware that working with children is a vocational job and we are very involved so that our team members do not lose their motivation in working with minors.
Personalized treatment and comprehensive management. We have vast experience in our field, but we try not to forget personalized treatment to our clients. From the very first contact to the end of our services, we make sure that the experience is as comfortable and complete as possible. We know that communication is basic for good results. We work with persons, not with numbers.
Professionalism. We have worked, currently work and will work to professionalize the sector of Leisure and Free Time Activities. We have an great responsibility and we will make an effort to assume it and do our best.
Solidarity. We are realistic and we know that we live in a globalised world. We try to educate by example and values. Thus, every year, we finance and organise a summer camp in Mozambique –together with Khanimambo ation- for these children to have the possibility to enjoy a unique experience.
Non-formal education: our reason for being
Respect is our leitmotiv: we always have it mind when working with minors, including respect among mates, respect to the materials and to the facilities, respect to the environment, respect to the counsellors and any person that works in our activities and respect to the rules. These rules create a frame that allows us to develop our activities as safe and fun as possible. Respect is the basis for a complete education in the ethical values.
Personal and social development of the participants
Thoughout active participation and team work in the activities, we encourage each child to discover a wide range of healthy ways to have fun, at the same time as we boost integration and personal development.
Most of our activities are run deep in nature, so we believe it is necessary for the children to get to know the natural environment as well as raise environmental awareness.